Damn...it's been a while and as I type I can't even believe I'm back at it. I'm so blessed to have people in my corner who knows what my writing means to me. I'm even more blessed to have the inspiration to write. My inspiration runs deep. And that's what this post is dedicated to...all that inspires me to share my words with you.

I had three boys...so God must be playing some kinda game or something because these dudes are beasts in the making! Hunter, Cameron and Noah. Married their dad. Tried to do it the right way. Just how I saw my parents do the shit. And I crashed. Going full speed. Lost it all. My husband, my home, my brand new mini van...all that.

But guess what? God gave me all that back times ten. Why? Because I'm kept. And I'm loving the crew. My kids are the most irritating, neediest, costly beings I've ever encountered. They sweat me from the moment I wake up, during the middle of the night and up until I put all 4 of them to bed. But I couldn't be here without my crew. I wouldn't have the motivation. I wouldn't be as wise. And those child support checks gonna be pretty decent, too! And now that I've let go of the silly embarrassment and shame, I can laugh about it. Hell, it is what it is. Because at the end of the day, I got my kids-the most important part of my world.

The amount of pain I've felt to just keep them happy is crazy. The struggles I've endured to keep food in the refrigerator and gas in the minivan has been real. Let me tell yall, the struggle is beyond real. And I'm humbled and grateful for what they've helped me achieve. They have no idea the amount of strength they've given me. I think to myself that if they had a clue of what they've brought to my life, that means they understand what it is to love...and that is my ultimate goal...

To be a mother of four under the age of 30 makes me feel like a walking stereotype. And I slip on my three inch heels everyday and I walk proudly in that shit. Hell, judge me. Whisper about me. Laugh at me. Talk about me. But make sure when you talking, you end the convo saying "BUT HER AND HER KIDS, THEY GOOD THOUGH. Is there a humble way of saying that I am the shit? Because of my crew...I am a BEAST. I'm loving my crew so much. I'm growing as they grow. And for that alone, I'm forever grateful. I wanna leave them everything I have to offer when I leave this earth. That's what I work toward on a daily basis. This blog isn't even a portion of what I want to leave behind. But...it's a good start...