Saturday, March 26, 2011

Endless LOVE

Seems like so much of the world is looking forward to the end of the world, that they're not enjoying their present lives.

Aramageddon, 2012, Apocolypse, many things are dictating when our lives, as we know it, will end. So many people are living in fear; so many people are ready to go. And regardless of which end of the spectrum represents you...each end is pretty extreme.

I'm not sure of everyone's personal beliefs and who everyone considers a higher power. However, my higher power tells me not to worry, because when He comes back, I'm going with him. So He's my calendar. No fear of the end lives within me.

If you are one that is afraid, skeptical or just plain paranoid about what's going to happen if we keep ruining the ozone, and what will happen if our lives are really based on the Mayan calendar...then I encourage you to  stop. Stop and live because death is inevitable. You will meet death eventually. We all will, And when it comes knocking at our front door, we won't be able to escape it.

Right now, enjoy the life that is here. Understand that all that is put around you is to experience...without fear of one day leaving it behind.

On the contrary, I do believe that the world has enough evidence to believe that our days are coming to an end. With the massive amounts of tsunamis hitting, massive animal deaths, earthquakes splitting, tornados, tidal waves...our earth is in a brutal fight with nature. And nature is winning. So if the earth can't win against nature, what makes you think you can?

Cherish your days here and do not leave fearfully; paranoid about what is next for the world. Concentrate on what is next for you.


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