Friday, April 22, 2011


I couldn't  help but wake up on Good Friday and Earth Day and think of how much I appreciate God's design. His trees. His sky His dirt...the beauty of it all. And it made me smile. Despite the gray clouds and fierce wind that Chi City offered me today, it was still a gorgeous day. Because today, I saw a bigger picture.

And I smiled.

I smiled because He gave these things to us. I smile because since He sacrificed His life, I have the beauty of living among his creations, his creatures.

I know that every hood don't remind us of how beautiful our Earth really is. But if we took time to think of all we have here on Earth, on a much larger scale, we just may appreciate it. And hopefully learn to take better care of it. Instead, we get consumed in our everyday lives and we forget just how big of  role nature plays in our lives. Technology begins to outshine natural sunlight and we are blinded by what's create by man....and forget the glorious creations by The Man.

Let's remember what the Lord has given us. The small creations are implications of the greater love that God intended for us all


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