Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Computer LOVE

A lot of us are hiding behind technology, allowing it to validate who we are and how far we reach for our goals. And that, to Vee, is a concern.

Hats off to Bill Gates and Steve Jobs; brilliant as hell. Rich as hell. Powerful. Their creations have struck society like a lighting bolt in a bad Chi City storm. iPhones, BlackBerrys, Flip Videos, iPads, iPods, Androids, touch screens, blue tooths...and the list grows as the obsessions heighten. Lately, we're touching more screens than hearts.

Not knocking the gadgets and the techies. I go NOWHERE without my BlackBerry (texting in the tub may explain that slight water damage) and life on my mini HP notebook is lovely.

But I see too many faces and cowardly hearts hiding behind 3G networks and too many minds are being plugged up by bright white ear buds,courtesy of Apple.

But if I can say, this Apple doesn't always serve as body and soul nourishment; doesn't necessarily keep the doctor away either. These things, sometimes obtained to imply status, have take over lives, broken up relationships and hurt families.

Now, if some of my loves think that Vee taking our computer love way too seriously, making it out to something that it isn't, answer why so many relationships have died due to contact lists in cell phones? Or how many minors have gotten kidnapped, raped or killed due to a social networking site where a not-so-nice person hid behind a Dell flat screen?

Let's be really careful not to let these gigabytes and megabytes be what runs thru our veins. And although these things are extremely convenient, nice to have and enjoy, nobody (at least I hope nobody) will have their I Phone next to them in their coffin, once they've passed on and taken that last breath. I don't expect them to log in to skype and scream throught their web cams "Pour out a lil liquor for me!"

Basically, my point is these gadgets and this technology should not dominate lives. The inventions were put here for us...we weren't put here for them.

Technology has taken a grip on this society, harder than the grip of your granny's pinch when you get outta line. New and older generations gotta have the latest in stock.

Having the latest whatever, however, doesn't make or break who you are. Using technology as a way to hide your true self, well, let's just say the signal will be lost. No connection.


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