Okay loves, I got a question and I dare you to keep it 100% real with me: Ever been in a relationship with someone (boyfriend, girlfriend, homie, besty, mother, father, sister, brother...) where the other person never had a problem receiving, but giving was a big ass deal? You know, one of those situations where you are in the mode to give, give, give, and their in the mindset to just take, take, take?
If you've answered yes, then this love letter is for you. And for that selfish ass taker, who didn't appreciate and value your giving.
However, before we shine light on the selfishness, let's evaluate the contents of giving, shall we. To give fairly means that once you loan your homie five bucks, that's that. It's not loaning your homie that fin, and holding it over their heads every damn breath they take. To me, only thing worse than being a selfish person who only takes and dont give, is a person who gives unfairly, unjustly.
Giving is from the heart, it is not an action taken to prove to the world that you're such a lovely being. It's not an action taken to brag about the fact that you had five bucks and your homie broke as hell. Giving is an action that can sometimes be left silent, because the act of giving speaks for itself... and you.
So when you give just to receive credit or use it as black male on someone, keep whatever you giving in your damn pocket. It's better off there anyway since you're not giving from the heart.
Now that we've cleared that up, let's dicuss the issue of having love on a two way street. Being a woman, and only expecting YOUR Valentine's gifts. Or watching her pick up the check at the restaurant, while you keep your money in your pocket and pick up your fork. I'm with Lauryn Hill, who do I have to be, to gain some reciprocity?
Let's be real, which is all I know to be. There are people out here who will take advantage of you, walk all over you and make a fool of your giving. Folks who will take your last, not care and turn right around and deny you of their last. Yes, we call that selfish as hell, with no morale.
However, those types should not destroy your spirit of giving. Now I'm not saying that those types deserve you, but they most definitely don't deserve to take your spirit.
It take two to tango...okay maybe that's the wrong cliche', get your mind out of the gutter! But what I mean is, in order for any relationship to work, be healthy, there needs to be a reciprocated sense of love, equal means of giving.
Love you...and remember, be a blessing to receive a blessing; that lesson will get you very far,
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