Monday, April 25, 2011


The independent woman. When it's done correctly, it's a good look. But when it's looks foolish.

There's many things that can classify as so call independence. Society says it's a woman who has her own, carries herself confidently and does not need anyone to make shit happen. She's a real good way.

However, along the way, the truth has been misconstrued, misconceptions have taken form of reality and the independent woman got lost. Lost behind makeup, nice cars and hairstyles that say they don't need nobody to give them shit. Independence that says my outfits are as obnoxious as me, and yes...all the women hate me because they're not me.

And in's their man/woman, or their parents or perhaps welfare that is the reason they are independent.


See because I thought independence meant you stand on your own, for you...because that's just what grown women do. No disrespect, but if you're under someone elses' roof, eating their food and it's their money that's going to the Koreans for your colorful acrylics...ummmmmmmm.....Let's just say you've gotten caught up in the hype that says that independence is a look.

Yes,'re not independent. And a man may have you believing it, your girls may have you thinking you achieving it...but you're not independent.You look fly, nice car and you keeping the weave tight...but if he left you today could you survive? And if your momma's menopause put your ass out on the streets, could your independence find you a place to stay?

See a real independent woman don't have to say it. It shows. She carries her achievements in proud silence, because she made them happen herself. And if she ever so often she feel the need to prove it, it's probably a figment of her imagination.


Sunday, April 24, 2011


Easter Sunday. 2, 011 years ago He has risen.

He's the air inside of our chest, whether we breathe him in all the time or not. He is my fire and water. And once his flame ignites in me, there aint no putting it out.
I am His daughter. And my Daddy didn't raise no fools. He's my rock. My Father is my love.

Today just push yourself to sit in silence and reminisce on His love. Today, yesterday and days to come.

My Jesus is Love! And words cannot express my love for the Man who has sacrificed His life to give me life.  Forever appreciated.


Friday, April 22, 2011


I couldn't  help but wake up on Good Friday and Earth Day and think of how much I appreciate God's design. His trees. His sky His dirt...the beauty of it all. And it made me smile. Despite the gray clouds and fierce wind that Chi City offered me today, it was still a gorgeous day. Because today, I saw a bigger picture.

And I smiled.

I smiled because He gave these things to us. I smile because since He sacrificed His life, I have the beauty of living among his creations, his creatures.

I know that every hood don't remind us of how beautiful our Earth really is. But if we took time to think of all we have here on Earth, on a much larger scale, we just may appreciate it. And hopefully learn to take better care of it. Instead, we get consumed in our everyday lives and we forget just how big of  role nature plays in our lives. Technology begins to outshine natural sunlight and we are blinded by what's create by man....and forget the glorious creations by The Man.

Let's remember what the Lord has given us. The small creations are implications of the greater love that God intended for us all


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Guess Who LOVES you MORE?

Love Triangles...

I've been in situations where I've had to choose. Choose who would be best for me, who my family would want to see make me happy. But I think out of every confused sense of settlement that we've had in our relationships, we need to choose us. Especially before we choose someone else.

Guess who loves you more? Guess who you will have to deal with before someone else agrees to? And guess who gonna be there if they are to leave? be sure to be the base of your damn love triangle. Because when that shit collaspe, you'll need to bounce back. Resilience and love for who loves you more than he or she did.

When we weigh out our pros and cons of a people, do we ever make a list of pros and cons for ourselves? Hell no we don't. We perhaps get caught up making sure that person has what it takes to love us, before we have what it takes to love us.

Love you more.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Looking So CRAZY in LOVE

We all claim that we don't care what people think of us. Lies. All lies.

I've messed up a few cars, cursed out a few chicks and acted plan damn crazy in my day...all in the name of love. Or was it?

Love shouldn't make us act a damn fool. And true, the line between it and hate is paper thin. But not thin enough to cross over into someone else who just straight up crazy, someone else who is just is not you. When we get to the point of where we can't control ourselves with someone that we so called love...walk away. Because it isn't love. And just because it feels like love, doesn't mean it is meant for you.

Crazy is not a good look. Stalking phones, riding around in unmarked cars and engaging in boxing matches is not healthy. Good healthy relationships just shouldn't involve that craziness. And it damn sure is not worth you and your time. Never let someone bring the worse out of you. You'd regret that you've allowed anyone to make you act so low. And remember, your actions are what speaks loud and clear about who you are.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

And If I Ever FALL in LOVE Again...

Nothing like a heartbreak. However, they don't always educate us enough for the next time we fall...

Not that love should have a time stamp on it, but sometimes we let our feelings get ahead of reality. Reality is, it takes time to truly love. And sometimes, I believe, in the mist of our rushing...we fall unconsciously, too quickly. We don't always realize that time is what prepares our hearts to love...or to break.

I think a friendship is the best way to start the race. Because at the finish line, hopefully you'll still have a friend. And hell, even that's not always the case. Sometimes there's sore losers. That can't handle the lost.

Emotions get heavy...and vulnerability can dictate our actions and make us move based off feelings. And we allow temporary emotions to create permanent  decisions. And why? When all we had to do was take it slow.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

LIVING for the LOVE of YOU

We all get our strength from somewhere. A lot of times from the souls that are long gone out of our lives. And sometimes their disappearing presence can keep us motivated...their spirits can sometimes move inside of us...and sometimes helps us move.

Death never scared me. And weird enough, as emotional as I am, I've never been the type to fall all out at funerals or go into a deep depression from losing someone I love. Death reminds me of life. Ironically enough, it gives me strength and alerts me to wake up and appreciate my time here on earth. It helps me love life, live life and learn life.

I'll never forget the times when I had to hear that cancer killed my sweet granny or diabetes took my granddaddy. Like them, a piece of me died. But their passings took a grip on my life and sometimes in my saddest moments, I think of how my granny would tell me I'm beautiful. Or smile at my granddad's lame jokes. Or smell my great grandma's cooking from her Mississippi kitchen. And my memories make me smile, keep me going. I'm living for them, as they live through me.

I know losing someone means pain, intense pain. Especially if that someone was close to you. But let it strengthen you. To all that has lost a fallen soldier to a wack ass war, a granny to an incurable disease, a the love of them.

To all my spirits that are long gone from this earth, I miss you. I love you and wish you were around. Man granny, sometimes I just want to hear your voice, smell your perfume. But to you and all my other loves in heaven...I promise to continue to live...for the love of you.


Monday, April 11, 2011


So I didn't get an interview with him. Didn't even get a chance to introduce myself.  Not even an autograph and barely got good video footage. But it was still a hell of a night. One that I will never forget.

It was Friday, April 1st...April Fools, and I damn sure got fooled that day. Because when I woke up that morning, I thought my night would end with a Rick Ross interview to share with you. But it didn't.

Let me just admit: I was so thirsty for this particular event coverage and even more thirsty to share it with you. And it wasn't for bragging rights...okay, maybe a little. But I'm actually a fan of Rick Ross's big self. I remember when I first saw his music video for Everyday I'm Hustling. I couldn't believe he comfortably exposed his large, tatted up belly to the world. He's quite confident. But it was something about his swagg that was just so dope to me. It was something about his hustle. I was attracted to that more than anything. And because of this, he's become an icon to the rap game.

Rick Ross was set to perform that night at The Lick out south at 1am after his concert that night at the United Center. He got there a little after 2am. Not surprised; Hollywood is never on time for shit. Me and my girl's were kicking it in the DJ booth with DJ V-Dub and DJ Dimepiece. And they had the hold club in a trans. We were anxious and having a blast; but on work as well. 

I remember seeing Ross sitting over in VIP surrounded by what looked liked groupies at the time. He was chillin, observing how we party in Chi City. His shades were as dark as his skin that night, hiding his eyes that may have told kush stories with happy and high endings. His demeanor was the usual, swagg on point and laid back. He was definitely feeling himself that night. Hell, so were me and my girls.

We had a connect that night for a personal interview with Rick Ross and his crew. Needless to say, the connect never came thru. However, the police did. They came right thru and shut the entire party down. Everyone in the club was asked to exit before Ross had even gotten a chance to even the hit the stage. And before me and my girls got the chance to secure our interview. Damn.

My assumption was that they were pissed about the kush clouds...the party had gotten a little bit out of control once they announced we had weed in the building. Guess sometimes in the mist of our partying, we forget that cannibis is illegal in the state of Illinois. So that was that. Party over. It was an abrupt ending and an unsuccessful event coverage. But a good ass time.

And like always...I worked to have something to bring back to share with you. Below is a brief video I captured the night of the after party...before the sirens sounded...From Vee to You...



From Vee to You

Sunday, April 10, 2011


The first warm day in Chi City. More hoes than sun.

Made me think about one of the most important lessons my momma teaches: sexy is not trashy. Classy: that's what's sexy.

I saw more painted on leggings, whipped up weaves and tatted up flesh than a lil bit. It was the day to unleash the internal other words, the day for the insecure hearts to be validated by showing a lil bit too much, not leaving shit to the imagination.

Ladies: Let's define class. Because no disrespect, but many of you need a lesson.

It's not long Daffy Duck lashes and platform heels where the shoe itself is more attractive than your walk. Classy is not pushing a Benz and whipping your 15inch Remi back and forth. Class speaks for itself. And trust me ladies, men hear it loud and clear.

Ladies this is a public service announcement: sexy is not stanky! Class needs to be redefined by today's woman. Our love for ourselves should come from within.


Saturday, April 9, 2011


We've all heard it. But we haven't all learned it.

To be on the up and up means someone somewhere possibly thinks you're better. And their insecurities concerning your greatness can present their mental misery. And they need you down. Just like their asses.

Beware of those who appear to be close; those can be the most miserable with intent to drag you below their misery. Their costumed as your besty or your boo. But underneath is a harsh reality: they're jealous and the only way to cure their envy is to diagnose hate.

Haters. Back stabbers. Fakes. Phonies. We've all experienced some level of their negative wrath. A secret truth: we all got a little hater in us. But hell to the no, nobody would ever openly admit that they too can be miserable by someone's love, success. And it's not always malicious, not always intentional. But let's not bring others down based off of our insecurities and flaws.

Love beyond any misery. I don't want your company, and don't want to be yours.


Friday, April 8, 2011


He says that right now in Chi City there is no other rapper better than him.

Money Bagz Shawty, star of TerJon Records, and his crew invited me to kick with them at the studio during a recording session. And they were putting in work. And of course, so was I...

It was late Friday night. I had been virtually conversing with T.J. Kimbrew, he's the Co-chairman, DJ, and producer of TerJon Records. So I pulled up in front of the address and dude tells Vee to come to the side gate, dark as hell. So naturally, my mace in hand, I did. Trying to be the hardcore reporter I was trained to be...I was scared as hell. Thinking to myself about where I'm from and a few scenes in Goodfellas that didn't end too well on the side of the dark

Needless to say, they were legit. Good fellas, I was in good hands.

"I'm not from the block, I'm just gonna keep it real," said Jonathan Locke, Co-chairman of TerJon Records. His name and TJ's name actually makes up the record label's name. Cute huh?

"My parents moved me out to the burbs," Locke said. "So I can't relate and say that I was a thug nigga, but my buddies were. The music was my thing," he said.

Locke said he studied the business. And his knowledge along with Money Bag Shawty's skill helped birth TerJon Records.

"This ain't just a rap thing." said Locke. "This is a motherfucking business. And that's how we operate. We operate professionally, we don't talk about other people shit. We respect everybody else's huslte."

And they hustle hard.

MBS can now be heard on Power 92 and WGCI and his latest single, "Get It", is available iTunes . All of his crew urges everyone to buy his new mix tape, D Rose Da MVP. And I thought that was a hell of a marketing strategy, considering just how hard Chicago's own D Rose has been going on the court. Just as hard as MBS and his crew been going in the studio. Point blank, their hard work is paying off. And Vee is a living witness!

I felt like I was in a Hustle and Flow scene. So much passion was in the air. Shit, even I wanted to start spitting to a beat. I was just that impressed with these young a proud granny at graduation. Felt like magic seeing my brothers doing something positive, together on a Friday night. And being damned good at it.

"I'm Chicago crazy,"said Money Bagz. "I'm the hottest thing in the city right now."
Like me, MBS is  a product of Chicago's west side. And unlike all the wack ass stereotypes, he's worked above and beyond the streets that many of us get lost in. Hell of a father, too. Got a baby girl, not even a year. And she's got his heart. And her heart beats thru his music. The moment he mentioned her she blushed. But hell, the moment I walked in he did that.  Cute...he's street hood but nothing was scary about him. The whole crew. Good dudes.

"We go hard because we want to be the greatest," said Money Bagz. "This is not a dream, we living reality right now."

So allow me to reintroduce...exclusive videos with Money Bagz Shawty and his crew. Good times. From Vee to You...



From Vee to You


From Vee to You


From Vee to You


From Vee to You

Thursday, April 7, 2011

And I LOVE the way, that HE makes me FEEL

And if I am a reflection of him...then I must be fly, because his light, it shines so bright...

I love me some India Arie. Her music takes me on a journey to how life really should be. And sometimes, how we should be loving each other.

Is chivalry dead ladies? Do men try to make us feel good anymore? Or are we settling for less when we know we should be getting that Queen Nefertiti treatment? Hell, are we doing our part to even deserve that kind of treatment anymore?

I guess to many, I'd be considered new school. And I am, 1987 and proud of it. But I've always been told  of this so called old soul and I suppose my ways of thinking are more old school. But I want a man to open the door for me. Ask me on a date. Introduce himself to my parents and hell, be romantic...just because. Not because he's trying to escape from the dog house or trying to get some. But because he knows that making me feel good will create a reflection of him...a fly one.

Giving this to our women will hopefully help redefine our families. And not just before men get the draws; but giving a woman a feeling of romance can keep her. Respect for her, honoring her and showing her that you value her...she will love the way that you make her feel.

That, my loves...that's the truth.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

LOVE won't LET me WAIT

Our young folks today barely understand the beauty of sex, because all they know is its beastly effects.

They know more about the pain that it leaves and less about the love that manifests from it. Too much about the disappearing daddies and malfunctioning mommas...and their idea of sex has been imprinted with negative behaviors that alters society. And sooner or later, our young people equate casual sex with love. And love...or what they believe is love... won't let them wait.

It's not their fault. Some are just doing what Wacka Flocka says in his rap song...beating it up with no cause and understanding of what the hell their doing. But if I could tell those young men and women one thing I'd urge them to put their precious private parts away...because their bodies are temples and should be treated accordingly.

Instead, they do what society dictates to them. Have makes you a grown up. Give him some girl, he'll stay with you. Then they brag the next day on how great their first time was... when they know damn well it was the most painful experience they've ever lived. And we teach our young boys that sex is what makes them men. No wonder some of them are 25 year old toddlers.

I can't remember the last time we've heard a song about waiting a while; a lesson Janet asked of us decades ago. And I can't help but wonder if parents and school officials are even pushing absitinence it no longer cool to wait for marriage? Or at least for some damn body who is worth it?

But what's up with our young people is that we haven't displayed a fragile care for sex; and it is no longer handled with care. We throw it around, like we do our bodies. And that's not love.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

At your BEST, YOU are LOVE

I hate losing. Pisses me off. I'm a winner. And that's all I know how to do.

But reality says, I won't always win. Reality is, you won't either. But true talk, giving anything your best shot is what matters. Because giving your best is giving your all. Reaching for your highest potential and crashing means that you've cushioned yourself to fall... less painfully.

Perfection: that's what I aim for, that's what I expect. However, the old cliche' that tells us nothing and no one is perfect holds truth. Nothing is. And if you're anything like Vee, you beat yourself for being one step below perfect. Because you set your bar so high, that you set it above reality. But be real. Prepare to fail, somewhere, sometime along the way.

Failure is one of those aspects of life that strengthens us; brings us back to real life. You won't always reach the finish line smiling. You won't always get the promotion.  You won't always win the game. But know this...losing does not take away from who you are. The lesson learned is the humility of failing; knowing that you are still great; without a win.

You're a positive motiviating your best, you are love.


Monday, April 4, 2011

Either LOVE me, or LEAVE me ALONE

I think it's crazy how most people base love off of petty ass games that only waste time and mistreat hearts. I'm with Jay, either love me or leave me alone.

We sometimes thinks it's cute to play with emotions; some twisted idea hit the streets way back saying it's a good look. It's cool to lead people on. It's acceptable to cheat. It's no issue caring for somebody behind closed doors but playing them in public.


The games we play are more than twisted...when it comes to matters of the heart, playing bogus games could shatter someone's entire life. So if you don't really love someone for all the right reasons, leave them the hell alone. Someone, somewhere can genuinely love them. Minus the wack ass games.

While sending her to voice mail after you hit,or keeping him in your corner for free club entry is your motive, think.,.somebody getting treated here. And the games we play, mostly to satisfy our own selfishness, has led someone on the opposite end in love. Love fairly. Quit the games. Or move on.


Sunday, April 3, 2011


Roque Cozzette's talents with make up goes way beyond the bristles of any make up brush. He's a gift to all make up bags, a craftsman to any face. His spirit is entirely beautiful and his humor is priceless. He's Cali bred, originally from Newark, a small town near Oakland. And he shared his amazing story as one of today's top make up artists in the industry.

"I'm always available to work with people in what they feel they can grow from," said Roque. "I do marketing, I do branding and I do product development as well as design educational curriculum," he said.

Roque's love of learning has given him wings to fly and freedom to grow. His latest reflection of his love for beauty:  Cozzette, where he's daddy to the Divinity Collection, a collection of vegan make up brushes and multi-purpose containers. This is his way of improving make up instruments and caring for all living species in the process.Until this year, he was artistic director at Kett Cosmetics and he now facilitates airbrush seminars globally and  presents on stage at every make up show there is.

Even though Roque says he taught himself to do make up and never took a class, he credits early life experiences for building a foundation and love for what he does. He remember early memories of watching his mother paint, and remembering her applying her red lipstick. 

"I've learned from every single interaction. Every opportunity I can, I use as a  learning tool."

He says he is "serving humanity for a greater good"...and even as a journalist, I could not have said it any better. He's traveled the world from country to country with celebrities like Christina Milian, Melody Gardot, Heather Graham and America's Next Top Model winner Jaslene Gonzales.

Every opportunity he's lived...he's reached for a greater challenge. From the counter of Nordstroms in San Francisco to the regional trainer at Mac in New York...he's challenged himself for greatness. And because of it...he's damn great.

In fashion, he's worked  his unique creative light for Victoria’s Secret, Valentino, Y3, Louis Vuitton,Christian Dior, Boudicca,  Galliano, Yohji Yamamoto, and Prada.Hell of a resume, but his humility speaks so much louder than his success. Son of a Puerto Rican mother and an Italian father, his personality speaks to where he comes from. And I loved it.

"I'm sure  you can feel the fire," he said... And yes, I did feel it.

Roque was given much opportunity in the 80s, a decade of bold eyeshadows, neon lipsticks...all I remember seeing on Saved by the Bell. And that was right up his alley. He started with hair, then make up. And now his art of making love faces has built him an empire.

"I was naturally an artist," said Roque. And that he is. His work varies in print, television, fashion, celebrity image and cosmetic product development.

"I knew I wanted to create beauty and my intention has always been from the heart. I am a spiritualist."

I related so well with Roque, like we've spoken before. His stories set me right in the moment. And like me, he has a passion for meditation and inking his thoughts, all in the name of love.

"Working in the music business really woke me up..."It's the school of the hard knocks," said Roque. "We may believe celebrities have it made but it is hard. I have so much respect for celebrities."

Roque said, "No matter what, there is a divine purpose in everything we do. I don't never want to stop growing."

His talent inspires me...his success challenges me. Roque, you are a spirit of love and I am honored to share your story! The love faces that you paint represents a greater love in you.


Saturday, April 2, 2011


How many of us has wished for more hours in the day? Sometimes, we just completely spread ourselves thin, no rest. And perhaps opearate and function off of little to no sleep. Sounds like you?

Damn, sounds like me. And yesterday was the very first day since the day of my launch, that I didn't write you a love explanation: I was tired as hell. And for the first time, I just rested. And I deserved it. And so do you.

We sometimes push ourselves to the limit. We become engulfed in perfection, and don't stop when the light is clearly red. Yellow light...Slow down, it won't all happen in one day, sometimes not even in two. Even Jesus relax, you owe it to yourself.

Sometimes to get you to slow down, nature may act as your emergency brake. Something will occur that may force you to take it easy. My advice, don't get to the point to where nature needs to intervene. You'll be sorry. Rest. Time will continue on...even when you take a break.
