Monday, April 18, 2011

Looking So CRAZY in LOVE

We all claim that we don't care what people think of us. Lies. All lies.

I've messed up a few cars, cursed out a few chicks and acted plan damn crazy in my day...all in the name of love. Or was it?

Love shouldn't make us act a damn fool. And true, the line between it and hate is paper thin. But not thin enough to cross over into someone else who just straight up crazy, someone else who is just is not you. When we get to the point of where we can't control ourselves with someone that we so called love...walk away. Because it isn't love. And just because it feels like love, doesn't mean it is meant for you.

Crazy is not a good look. Stalking phones, riding around in unmarked cars and engaging in boxing matches is not healthy. Good healthy relationships just shouldn't involve that craziness. And it damn sure is not worth you and your time. Never let someone bring the worse out of you. You'd regret that you've allowed anyone to make you act so low. And remember, your actions are what speaks loud and clear about who you are.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Vee, I would like to share these beautiful words in thanks of yours.

    I trust my Higher Self. I listen with love to my inner voice. I release all that is unlike the action of love.

    All the best,
