Wednesday, March 2, 2011


One of the most taboo things in our culture, I believe, is porn and actually enjoying porn. I'm talking movies, websites, strip clubs...yes, all that. I believe that many of us are embarrassed to admit that to some extent, strip clubs, five dollar flicks from our local bootleg man and porn sites on the web that may cause viruses on our computers, are things that we sometimes enjoy.

Allow me to get grown and real here; whether your pornographic journey is alone or with your partner of choice, it can become an embarrassing moment. And in today's love letter, I want to discuss what makes those moments taboo; what is it that makes the idea of masturbation or viewing porn with your significant other on your living room flat screen seem...well, embarrassing? And why are we sometimes so ashamed about these things?

Let's first discuss sex in our culture. It's  possibly so taboo because of the way that it is thrown around, similar to the way that some of us throw ourselves around. And a lot of us do this, disregarding the fact that our bodies and the souls that we offer to others are to be treated with care. So this my loves, this is where the embarrassment and shame comes from. The shame then gives us reason to lie about working late and end up at the titi bar. Or compare our women to those on the porn movies that we watch when she's not around, or hell, maybe even when she is around. The shame is not from what we're doing, but how we're doing it.

I realize this topic may be very heavy for some of you, and to all of my underage readers, keep reading because I'd rather you hear the truth about this rather than the ignorant ramblings of a friend or in the lyrics of a song that your momma's wouldn't approve you listening to. We fall in love with strippers, we become addicted to porn and we hide these things of fear of facing the one truth that we're all afraid to's not so difficult to face others about this, but many of us have a problem with facing ourselves.

Some are making it rain at strip clubs when they're babies are home hungry and bills are unpaid. And some are falling in love with the woman on the pole, while the woman at home in bed is waiting for you to come home. But it's not the acts that I'm speaking of that we become addicted to. We become addicted to  the feelings that it gives us. And those feelings are supressed, we stick them somewhere deep down in our pockets next to the dollars that we plan to throw at the nude bodies that themselves, have mouths to feed or perhaps tuition to pay.

Don't allow desired feelings of the flesh define or validate what you mean to you. And damn sure don't allow any movie, club, site, whatever, to make you lose you and the people you love.

Enjoy your bodies and the bodies of those worthy of you when the time and purpose is right. This way, the adventures in your bedroom (with or without that special someone) can be comfortably pleasurable, not  shamefully embarrassing.


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