Monday, March 28, 2011

Patient, Patient Kind, Kind...THAT'S LOVE

Time. Our entire life revloves around it.

The essence of time has always intrigued me. As I've grown, I've observed our obsession with time. Our alrams on our cell phones. The appointment books we fill and still seem to miss appointmes. The disappointment of things not happening on our time. Basically, our lives are centered around time.

Believe me, as you're reading this, someone is dying and someone is being birthed into this world. Someone, somewhere, is living what they may consider their happiest momoments, while someone else has rock bottom. And all this happens in its own time. I believe the element of time has too much control over our lives. True, everything needs to be done in its own time. And even more true, time is money; don't waste it. However, it is patience that we tend to lack. The act of waiting for what you beleive should have already took place or should be presently happening. Patience is an invisible reminder that you are faithful enough for outcomes that will satisfy you. More so,  patience...that's love.

The Bible says (Ecclesiastes 3) that God has a time for everything. There is a time for life, a time for death. A time for love, a time for hate. A time to weep, a time to laugh. A time to to kill, a time to heal, A time to speak, a time for silence. So yes, our lives revolve around time. But we shouldn't revolve our lives around a minute hand or an hour hand. Because patience will get us anywhere quicker.

Waking up and realizing that you're not where you want to be in your life makes you blame time. Having a baby freshmen year of college, you blame time. All while God is laughing from above simply because we're not on our own time...we are on HIS time. And everything, every single thing, happens on His watch. Little do we realize, everything is not on our clock.

Be patient and enjoy the moments of life, good and bad. Because time is something we'll never get back. Take advantage of each second, love every minute and cherish every hour. This way, your days are valued...with patience.


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